Frequently Asked Questions

Hi there, we would like to have a place where we can get answer s to some of the most common questions we've received over the years. But if you do not see what you are looking for, just
contact us at anytime.
Thank you
It's probably here
Image turn around
Image turn around happens within 72 business hours from your appointment.
Are you willing to do small projects?
Yes, just tell us what your goals are and any deadlines we need to operate within so we can give you a quote.
Large Commercial Projects, is that something your company can do?
Yes, in our 3500 sq ft studio or on-location we have completed week long, and quarterly projects for our customers.
Do we have to have a makeup artist? Or can we bring our own?
There are many great MUA and hair stylist out there, so yes you can bring your MUA or stylist. Just remember they need to operate within the time frame your service dictated.
How do I order prints from my gallery?
Just watch this video from your computer and start ordering products with your images. Click here!
Can I bring my own props?
Yes, if you have something specific you want captured during your session please let us know ahead of time but sure.
Can we rescheduling?
Yes, at the top of this web page click on Log-In.
Create an account with the same email address you used to book the service.
Once inside, you will see "Your Bookings." Reschedule to any open day and time slot that works for you.
Editing and printing services, do you offer that?
Yes, you can order prints right from your image gallery we created for you. And we use Adobe Photoshop for editing your images.
We also offer image restoration. Show us the image to get a free quote.
Do your studio have any furniture props we can use for our session?
Yes, the studio has a selection of throne chairs you rent at an additional charge for the duration of your photo session. See that listing and pricing by clicking here!
How do I submit my image choices from my photo session?
Just watch this video from your computer to share your selection with the photographer. Click here!